
The Inner Circle Interview Series

Neill Strain

Founder & Creative Director, Neill Strain Floral Couture

In our Inner Circle interview series, we speak to The Circle Business members, to find out what inspires them, how their brands are differentiated and what we can expect to see in the not-too-distant future.

Q: What motivated you to start Neill Strain Floral Couture, and how did you identify a gap in the market for luxury floral design when you were first starting out?

The motivation to start Neill Strain Floral Couture came from a lifelong passion for flowers and a desire to create something truly unique in the world of floral design. After years of studying floristry and gaining experience in the industry, including completing a Dutch master’s Degree in the Netherlands, I was exposed to the exceptional quality and variety of flowers available there. It was during this time that I began to see a clear gap in the UK market for high-end, bespoke floral design using the finest blooms that weren’t widely accessible to London florists at the time.

I noticed that while there were many florists, few were offering the level of artistry, craftsmanship, and exceptional quality that I felt the market needed. I saw an opportunity to combine world-class flowers with a couture approach to design—where each arrangement would be tailored to the client and their space, with a meticulous attention to detail and a focus on luxury. This was the foundation of Neill Strain Floral Couture, and it’s what continues to set us apart today.

My goal was to not only elevate floral design to the highest standard but also to introduce a more refined, personalised experience for clients who wanted something truly special. Starting with our boutique in Belgravia in 2008, we’ve grown to offer floral couture that embodies elegance, creativity, and innovation, fulfilling a niche for discerning clients who seek the extraordinary in floral artistry.

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Q: Every entrepreneur faces challenges in the early stages of their business. Can you share some of the biggest obstacles you encountered when launching Neill Strain Floral Couture, and how you overcame them? 

Like many entrepreneurs, I faced several challenges when launching Neill Strain Floral Couture in 2008. One of the biggest obstacles was establishing a niche in the luxury market and convincing clients that floral design could be as much about artistry, craftsmanship, and bespoke service as any other high-end offering. I had a vision of floral couture that was unlike anything else in London at the time, but communicating that vision and building trust in a highly competitive market took time and perseverance.

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Another challenge was securing access to the highest quality flowers that would set us apart. While studying in the Netherlands, I had built relationships with some of the finest growers, but bringing those world-class flowers into the London scene required a commitment to sourcing directly from these growers, managing logistics, and ensuring that we could consistently deliver an exceptional product. It was an investment of time and resources, but it was essential to uphold the standard I envisioned for the business.


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In the early stages, balancing the creative and operational aspects of the business was also a major hurdle. As a creative, I wanted to immerse myself fully in the design process, but I had to quickly learn the importance of running the business side—from managing finances and HR to building a team that shared my vision. Over the years, I overcame this by gradually delegating those responsibilities to a trusted team, allowing me to focus more on the creative direction.

Through persistence, meticulous planning, and surrounding myself with a talented team, I was able to overcome these early challenges. Each obstacle ultimately strengthened the business and helped shape it into the luxury floral brand it is today.

Q: As the founder and CEO of Neill Strain Floral Couture, what key decisions or strategies have been most instrumental in scaling your business to become a leading name in luxury floral design?

Several key decisions and strategies have been instrumental in scaling Neill Strain Floral Couture into a leading name in luxury floral design. One of the most important was the decision to focus exclusively on the high-end, bespoke market. From the beginning, I knew that quality and craftsmanship would be at the heart of our brand, and we’ve never compromised on that. By sourcing the finest flowers directly from top growers in the Netherlands and combining that with a couture approach to design, we created a niche that speaks to discerning clients who seek something truly extraordinary.

Another critical strategy was investing in building strong relationships—both with our suppliers and our clients. Establishing direct relationships with growers allowed us to offer exclusive and often rare flower varieties, which set us apart in the competitive London market. Similarly, cultivating long-term relationships with clients has been essential, as our work is often driven by understanding their tastes, visions, and preferences, creating a highly personalised experience.


Expanding our presence through well-considered locations was another major decision. Starting with our boutique in Belgravia, then moving into Harrods, and more recently opening in Mayfair, each step was taken strategically to ensure that our brand was positioned where our clientele was. This growth allowed us to extend our reach without diluting the exclusivity and attention to detail that define our work.


Lastly, bringing on a Managing Director to handle the operational side of the business was a pivotal decision that allowed me to focus solely on my role as Creative Director. This shift has enabled me to dedicate my time to the creative vision, client relationships, and innovation—ultimately elevating the brand and ensuring that we continue to lead the luxury floral industry.

These combined strategies, along with a strong, talented team and a clear focus on our brand ethos, have been fundamental in scaling the business and maintaining our position as a leader in floral couture.

Q: Building a brand in the luxury market requires a unique approach. How did you position Neill Strain Floral Couture in such a competitive industry, and what challenges did you face in establishing your brand identity?

Positioning Neill Strain Floral Couture in the luxury market required a clear vision and an unwavering commitment to quality and craftsmanship from the outset. I knew that to stand out in such a competitive industry, our approach had to be distinct—every detail, from the flowers we source to the service we offer, needed to reflect the highest standards of luxury.

A key part of our positioning was the decision to work directly with world-class growers in the Netherlands. By sourcing the finest, often rare, flower varieties that aren’t readily available in the wider market, we created a product that was truly unique. This exclusivity, combined with our bespoke design approach, allowed us to offer a level of artistry and personalisation that clients couldn’t find elsewhere. 

Establishing our brand identity was also about ensuring that each floral arrangement felt as if it belonged to the space it was in—whether that’s a private home, a yacht, or an event. We consider the setting, scale, and the client’s tastes, blending these elements with our signature NSFC style to create something that feels both personal and sophisticated.



One of the main challenges in building our brand was the time and effort it took to build trust in a market that often defaults to established names. We had to prove that luxury floral design could be elevated to the level of haute couture, and that involved not only delivering consistently exceptional work but also educating our clients on the craftsmanship behind each piece. 

Another challenge was maintaining our exclusivity while growing the business. Expanding too quickly could have compromised the level of service and attention to detail that define our brand, so we took a deliberate and measured approach to growth, ensuring that our standards remained uncompromised as we moved into prestigious locations like Harrods and Mayfair.

Ultimately, our success in the luxury market has been the result of staying true to our vision, being meticulous about quality, and building relationships with clients who value the uniqueness and artistry of what we do.

Q: Customer experience is paramount in the luxury sector. How do you ensure that every client interaction, from consultation to delivery, aligns with the high standards of Neill Strain Floral Couture?

Customer experience is at the heart of everything we do at Neill Strain Floral Couture, particularly in the luxury sector where every detail counts. To ensure that every client interaction meets the high standards we’ve set, I’ve taken time in recent years to refine and articulate our core values, which are integral to how we operate as a business. These values guide how we hire, reward, and review our team, ensuring that every member of the NSFC family is fully aligned with our vision and commitment to excellence.

One of the key aspects of maintaining our high standards is the strength of our team. I’ve built a talented and dedicated group of professionals who not only share a passion for floral design but also embody the values of creativity, attention to detail, and exceptional service. By hiring individuals who align with these core values, we create a cohesive environment where everyone is working towards the same goal—delivering a luxury experience that surpasses client expectations.

We ensure that each stage of the client journey, from consultation to delivery, is handled with care and precision. Whether it’s a private residence, a yacht, or a large-scale event, my team and I spend considerable time planning and coordinating every detail, ensuring that the client’s vision is met and exceeded. Regular reviews and feedback loops help us continuously improve and maintain the consistency that our clients expect. 


This commitment to our values, coupled with the meticulous attention we give to every aspect of our service, ensures that each interaction reflects the high standards of Neill Strain Floral Couture. It’s this dedication to excellence that has earned the trust of our clients and ensures we continue to provide a truly bespoke, luxury experience.


Q: Looking ahead, what are your goals and vision for the future of Neill Strain Floral Couture? Are there any new markets, services, or innovations you’re excited about exploring?

Looking ahead, my vision for the future of Neill Strain Floral Couture is centred on expanding our international reach and continuing to innovate in both the luxury floral and event design markets. Over the past 16 years, we’ve established a strong reputation for working with clients globally, with particular demand from the Middle East and the USA. These regions have always been a focus for us, and as we continue to grow, expanding our presence in these markets is a key part of our strategy.

I’m also particularly excited about the work we’ve been doing with our weddings, events, and celebrations team, taking our expertise beyond floral design to encompass full event curation. A recent highlight was working on board the Ritz Carlton Yacht Collection’s newest launch, *Ilma*, where we created five unique events for their inaugural voyage. From establishing themes and attire inspiration to collaborating on immersive entertainment, stationery, and decor, this project allowed us to showcase the full breadth of our creative capabilities. Expanding further into this space—both on land and at sea—is an exciting opportunity for us.

In addition, I’m constantly exploring ways to innovate within our floral collections and installations, from introducing new, rare varieties of flowers to embracing sustainable practices. As we move forward, maintaining our commitment to quality, creativity, and sustainability will remain at the heart of everything we do, ensuring that Neill Strain Floral Couture continues to lead in the luxury floral design space while evolving to meet the needs of our global clientele.


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